Question: My families cannot maintain their active status, the link in the email does not work.
Reminder Emails to Stay Active:
MyWaitlist keeps track of your interested families by automatically emailing parents each month prompting them to confirm if they still require care. To avoid constantly emailing parents who do not require care for some time, these emails will only begin closer to a child's required care date. If their care date passes, they will continue to receive reminder emails until they are offered a place or become inactive. To read more about this process, and to adjust the frequency emails of the emails, click here.
Example of Reminder Email:
How to Ensure your Reminder Emails include the Correct Hyperlink:
1. Click ‘Settings’ in the header menu
2. Click ‘Email Templates' on the left-hand side menu
3. Click the pencil icon next to the two reminder email templates to edit:
- Waitlist Reminder to Confirm Status
- Waitlist Reminder of Inactive Status
Please Note: ensure you check the links in both reminder emails.
4. Ensure the correct link is inserted by using the placeholder menu.
5. Select the 'Confirm Status' link for the email template 'Waitlist Reminder to Confirm Status'.
6. Left click on the link to edit the text.
7. Select the 'Review Requirements' link for the email template 'Waitlist Reminder of Inactive Status'.
8. Left click on the text to rename it to 'Reactivate Waitlist' to make this clear for families.
9. Click save when complete.
Handy Tips:
- Ensure that you do not copy and paste text from a Word Editor into the MyWaitlist system. Your template links can be replaced/edited.
- When testing email templates from a parent's point of view, ensure you are signed out as an administrator from the MyWaitlist system.
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