With the recent tightening of SPAM rules by email service providers like GMAIL, you may find that your emails are landing in JUNK or SPAM folders of families. To alleviate this, MyWaitlist has developed the ability for you to authorise MyWaitlist to send emails from your email domain (ie www.yourcentrename.com.au). Please see the below instructions on how to configure these (SMTP) settings for email platforms such as Gmail, Outlook and Hotmail inside your MyWaitlist account.
1. Click Settings on your MyWaitlist account.
2. Click Email Settings at the left-hand side menu.
3. Click on the tickbox to show SMTP settings tab.
4. Fill in the fields with the information needed.
a. FROM Name - Name that will be seen by the receiver in their inbox
b. FROM Email - this email address sending the message (eg yourcentre@gmail.com)
c. REPLY Email - email address will be used in the Reply-To field. It can be the same as the FROM email address.
5. Enter Outgoing SMTP Servers (see table at the bottom of this article for platform settings such as Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail and Office365).
a. Username & Password will be your email address and password you use to log into your email.
6. Click Save Changes when happy.
7. Click on Test Connection tab to send test email to make sure that SMTP server settings are good correct.
8. Enter the following information in the field.
a. Email address to send test email
b. Subject and
c. Message
9. Click send test email button when happy.
10. A dialogue box will show if test email was successful. Otherwise it will also that it did not went through and need to check server settings properly.
*** Below are Server Settings for different email platforms such as Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail and Office365.
If you have further questions, email us at support@mywaitlist.com.au
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