Please ensure you have created a Tour Booking Calendar with Time Slots before proceeding with the below steps.
1. To book a Tour for a child in a Lead status, search for and open the Child Summary:
2. In the Child Summary, scroll down to the Tour section. Click 'Add Tour'.
3. a) Choose the Centre from the drop down menu.
b) Choose the Calendar from the drop down menu.
c) Select a date. Anything with a grey shaded box in bold has availability.
d) Choose an Available Time Slot from the listed options.
e) Click Add Tour.
The below Tour will now be visible in the Child Summary:
Email/SMS Configuration
These options are auto selected to send emails. If you do not wish them to send, please untick the options prior to clicking 'Add Tour.'
- Send Confirmation Email/SMS: as soon as you select 'Add Tour' the Automated Email Template "Tour Confirmed" will be sent.
- Send Reminder Email/SMS: 24 hours prior to the tour time the Automated Email Template "Tour Reminder" will be sent.
- Send Thank You Email/SMS: once the tour is marked as 'Completed' the Automated Email Template "Tour Completed" will be sent.
Add a Custom Tour Time
To add a Custom Tour Time outside of the Tour Time Slots created on your Tour Calendar:
1. Open the Child Summary as above.
2. Scroll down to the Tour section.
3. Select Add Tour.
4. a) Choose the Centre from the drop down menu.
b) Choose the Calendar from the drop down menu.
c) Select the Choose Custom Date & Time box.
d) Select a Tour Start Date.
d) Select a Tour Start Time and Tour End Time.
e) Click Add Tour.
For more information, please email us at
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