Families are able to view a record of their payments made through Debit Success Portal via their MyWaitlist account. These would include any Waitlist Fee, Advance Fee or Bond Payments as outlined through the child profile on the dashboard.
To view these, families will navigate as follows:
- Login to your MyWaitlist, parent account
- Along the menu bar, to the top right of the screen, select the third option Payments
- From within this screen, families will see a running record of all payments and the following information:
- Payment Platform
- Date
- Request Id
- Transaction Id
- Amount
- Surcharge Fee (if applicable)
- Parent Name
- Child Name
- Payment Type
- Payment Status
- Status (child)
Payments will be listed as newest at the top, most historic at the bottom.
Families are able to select on the Status (Child) and by doing so will be directed to the Child Summary for this particular payment. With the Child Summary Screen, families will be able to view:
- Carer Summary
- Care Requirements
- Tours
- SMS Interaction
- Email Interactions
This is a view only screen.
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