Setting rooms into the MyWaitlist system, enables administrators to view their system data in a meaningful way to them. Administrators will be able to set rooms via Name, Age Range and Capacity.
1. Navigate to 'Settings' icon in the header menu
2. Click on the 'Edit' to edit its settings.
3. Click on 'Manage Rooms' on the left-hand side menu.
1. To add a room click on the 'Add' button under your room's listing and enter in the relevant information.
2. Input the information into the relevant fields, once completed select 'Create' to embed into the MyWaitlist system.
1. To edit a room, administrators will click on the pencil icon
2. Administrators will be able to update the name of the room and edit the age range in months. Once completed, select 'Update' to embed in the MyWaitlist system.
1. To delete a room, administrators will be able to click on the trash can icon inline with the room.
2. Administrators will be asked to confirm the action before proceeding. Select 'Delete' to confirm this action.
Please note: Once confirmed, there is not the ability to undo.
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