Administrators are able to collect Wait list fees along with Enrolment fees through their MyWaitlist account using the Debit Success portal. This assists with automating in the collection of fees and in turn will streamline the enrolment process.
As an example of streamlining automation, a confirmation email will be sent as soon as an enrolment fee has been cleared through the Debit Success payment portal. This will mitigate the need for administrators to check their centre's bank account for money received and then manually send a confirmation email. You can use your Debit Success integration to charge:
- Waitlist Registration Fee: Requests will automatically be accepted once payment is made
- Enrolment fees: These encompass bonds, security deposits and advance payments. Offers will automatically be confirmed once payment is made.
Set-Up Instructions
Once your Debit Success account has been created, our Xplor Onboarding team will input your credentials directly to your MyWaitlist system. Once embedded, you will be able to charge and collect fees from families instantly. To see how families will make payments, please see this article.
If you would like to view your centre's credentials, please navigate as follows:
- Within your MyWaitlist system, select 'Settings'
- On the centre, select 'Edit'
- From the left hand menu, select 'Debit Success Settings'
- Centre's will be able to see their Debit Success credentials
Please note: Your onboarding officer will ask if you would like your Debit Success integration to enable for:
- Use Debit Success to accept Waitlist Fee
- Use Debit Success to accept Bond/Advance Fee
If your circumstances change and you would like to enable/disable these features, please contact our MyWaitlist support team to update your preferences on your system.
Charging a Waitlist Fee
Centres are able to set up a waitlist fee that will be applicable to all families. To set up the fee, centres can navigate as follows:
- Log in to the MyWaitlist and select 'Settings'
- Select 'Edit' on the centre you wish to apply a waitlist fee to
- From the menu on the left hand side, select 'Waitlist Fee'
- In the screen, administrators are able to input the:
- For Providers with multiple centres, they can nominate to charge this Waitlist Fee to all centres in their profile
- Input the Waitlist Fee Amount
- If administrators would like the Waitlist Fee applied exclusively to families who meet a certain criteria, they can assign a trigger question in which the fee will be charge when answered a certain way. If the 'Select question to charge Waitlist Fee', administrators will also need to enter 'Select answer to charge Waitlist Fee'
5. Press 'Apply' to affix the details. All applications moving forward will be charge the Waitlist Fee based on the set up.
Please Note: If 'Select question to charge Waitlist Fee' is not inputted, all enquiries will be charged the Waitlist Fee in order to progress with their enquiry at their chosen centre.
Additionally, through a Debit Success integration, no BSB or Account Number will need to be supplied. Families will be able to make their Waitlist Payment within their Parent Portal. Please see this article for further information.
Charging an Enrolment/Bond Fee
If centre's have nominated to enable 'Use Debit Success to accept Bond/Advance Fee', when sending an Offer to families for a child, centres will be able to charge a Bond/Enrolment fee that families will pay through their Parent Portal.
To charge an Enrolment/Bond Fee, administrators will navigate as follows:
- Within the MyWaitlist system, navigate to the 'Waitlist' tab
- Using the filter options, or by scrolling the list, navigate to the child. Under 'Actions' select the pencil icon and select 'Offer'
- Users will be navigated to the Offer Place screen. Input all relevant enrolment offer information ensuring in the 'Bond/Enrolment Fee Amount' section, admins include the amount to be charged. Once ready, select 'Next'
- Review the email template, this will automatically include the carer/s of the child as recipient but can have additional emails added.
- Once ready, press 'Send'
Please note: Families will be able to make their Bond/Enrolment Payment through their Parent Portal.
Viewing Debit Success Transactions
Centre administrators have the ability to view their Debit Success Transactions in one place through their MyWaitlist portal. Once in the system, administrators will need to navigate as follows:
- Select 'Settings' to the top right of the screen,
- Select 'Debit Success Transactions' from the menu to the left of the screen,
- Within this screen, administrators can Filter the Debit Success Transactions. If no filters are applied, administrators will view transactions in newest to eldest order for the centre listed in the filter screen,
- Done
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