What is a Lead?
A lead is a family who has expressed interest in your service but not yet ready to be placed on your waitlist. You can add a lead manually in your Leads grid OR you can use our online Lead Form on your website or landing page. The Lead Form is customisable and does not require families to complete waitlist and child information.
Why is it useful capturing leads?
At times you may have walk-ins, phone calls, web enquiries or events where you gain minimal information from a family such as just their first name and email address. The leads feature will allow you the opportunity to track and record these families in the one place. You can send them email campaigns and record interactions with the goal to eventually waitlist and enrol them at your service.
Creating a Customisable Lead Form
See below steps on how Admin can create Lead forms inside their MyWaitlist account.
1. Click Settings tab on the upper menu.
2. Click on Lead forms at the left-hand side menu
3. Click on New Lead Form to create.
4. Click on Lead Form tab and fill in the boxes with:
a. Title of the Lead form
b. Enter the centre/s which will be applicable for this form
c. Copy and paste the landing page URL and custom CSS if available. (You may ask your web developer for URL and CSS links.)
d. You now also have the option to change Text message and it's color.
e. Check tick box option to "Allow Parents to Book Tour" if you wish to show your Tour Booking Form after the submission of a lead. Otherwise, leave it blank.
f. Click Save Settings when done.
5. Once the Lead form is created, the required information needs to be selected. To do this Click Lead Settings tab.
a. Check Fields that will be visible and/or required in the Lead form. Otherwise, Uncheck Fields tickbox.
b. To change label or Field name, type the desired name to replace in the box provided. This is optional.
c. Click Submit when done.
6. Once the settings are saved successfully a green dialogue box will pop up.
7. To embed this form onto the Centre's website and/or other Social Media platforms like Facebook, etc, copy the Code or iFrame in the box highlighted.
8. This is how the Lead Form will look like in your website or any social media platforms.
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