It is advisable you only delete records that are duplicates. Deleting a record is a permanent action and you will not be able to retrieve the information. It is best practice to switch a family to 'inactive'. By switching a record to inactive, families can reactive their waitlist at any point in time in their parent portal. Administrators can also reactivate waitlists. Inactive families do not appear in your waitlist dashboord or searches. However, you can specifically search for your inactives if you need to reactivate them. You can also send email campaigns to inactive families if you have subscribed to MyWaitlist Campaigns.
To search your inactive lists - see here.
To switch a family's waitlist to inactive or to delete the waitlist - see below.
You may locate a waitlist and change the status of applications in two ways. See below for the screen shots.
- Waitlist Application – Grid View
- Waitlist Summary Page – Individual Application View
If you choose to delete a waitlist application you will be prompted to confirm this action. I
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