The below process outlines how to offer a child a place at your centre, whilst maintaining their spot on the waitlist for additional days.
In this example, the child has requested care for all 5 days (Monday – Friday). At the moment, your service only has an opening on Monday and Tuesday. The rest of the days, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the child needs to remain on the waitlist.
Please note that we refer to adding tags in this article. For more information on how to create a tag, please see this article.
This process also outlines the steps to take if you are using Xplor Office as your BMS. The same steps apply for any other BMS platform.
1. Open the child profile and click Copy Child
ⓘ Kindly take note of the Tags and Original Registration Date
2. Confirm and update the Copy Child details
- Child First Name: Place the remaining waitlist days beside the child’s name. Example: Ron (Wed, Thurs, Fri) Weasley.
ⓘ The system will register the copy child as a duplicate if name is not changed
- Days Required: Select only the remaining days that will still be on the waitlist
- Service Name: Select the Service location
- Comments: Leave an admin note as reference that the child is on the waitlist for additional days
- Admin Email: To avoid confusion with the family, leave this unchecked
- Click Copy Child to New Centre
ⓘ Kindly take note of the Tags and Original Registration Date as this will need to be added/updated in the new profile.
3. Once the copied child profile has been created, update the tag and registration date on the new profile.
- Add any tags from the original record into the new profile. Add the Active Bookings in Xplor tag.
- Update the registration date on this remaining days profile to the original waitlist registration date. Under Care Requirements, click the pencil/edit button beside the registration date.
- On the Edit Waitlist page, go to the 3rd page and update the registration date. Then click Update.
ⓘ When you check your dashboard, you should be able to see both profiles with the same registration date
4. Using the original child profile, place an offer for your available days. Make sure to remove the remaining (still waitlisted) days. Click Next.
5. In the Offer email, you may like to add a sentence to inform the family that you only have some of their requested days available. You can advise that you have kept the child on the waitlist for the remaining days and they will be informed when a place becomes available. Remember to update the Care Type following the prompt in the template.
ⓘ If the child is new and has no profile or active bookings in Xplor, make sure to include the Xplor Online Enrolment Link.
6. When a place becomes available for the remaining days, find the child’s copied profile on the Waitlist dashboard. You can now send an offer for the remaining days. In this instance, Wednesday to Friday. Click Next.
7. In the Offer Email, ensure you remove any mention or links directing families to the Xplor online enrolment form. Please ensure that you do NOT re-send the Xplor online enrolment form for a child who already has a child profile and active bookings in Xplor Office, as this will create a duplicate profile and cause major issues for CCS.
ⓘ Update the name of the child in the subject line and body of the email by removing the remaining days to avoid confusion with the family.
8. Update the Care Type and Send the Message.
9. Follow the remaining Offer process. Please note that for children who already have a child profile in Xplor, ask the family to call or email your service to confirm the additional days of care.
You may like to use the suggested Offer Email and Offer Updated email template below as a guide only to avoid your team creating duplicate child profiles within Xplor Office.
Please note that if you copy and paste the below content into your Offer and Offer Update automated email templates, you will need to replace all placeholders to ensure they populate the correct information. You can find more details here.
The template below is to be used as a guide only. We strongly suggest you update all your email templates with wording and tone that best suits your centre.
Dear @{Carer1FirstName},
Welcome to @{OfferedCentreName}!
We are thrilled to offer @{ChildName} a place as follows. Please note that your offer is pending and will not be confirmed until we have received a completed online enrolment form with all appropriate attachments.
Start Date: @{CareRequiredDate}
Days: @{OfferedDays}
Room: @{OfferedRoom}
Kindly complete this ONLINE ENROLMENT FORM (add your Xplor Office Enrolment form link to the blue highlighted words) by @{OfferExpiryDate}.
If you have any questions or require any further information, please feel free to call the centre on @{OfferedCentrePhone} or email @{OfferedCentreEmail}.
If you would like to bring @{ChildFirstName} in for an orientation, please let me know and I will arrange this for you.
Kind regards,
Dear @{Carer1FirstName},
Welcome to @{OfferedCentreName}!
We are thrilled to offer @{ChildName} a place as follows. Please note that your offer is pending and will not be confirmed until you have called or emailed the centre.
Start Date: @{CareRequiredDate}
Days: @{OfferedDays}
Room: @{OfferedRoom}
As your child is already enrolled in Xplor Office, please call @{OfferedCentrePhone} or reply to this email to confirm you accept our offer of additional days of care by @{OfferExpiryDate}.
If you have any questions or require any further information, please feel free to call the centre on @{OfferedCentrePhone} or email @{OfferedCentreEmail}.
If you would like to bring @{ChildFirstName} in for an orientation, please let me know and I will arrange this for you.
Kind regards,
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