Using Tags
Once you have created the tags, any user of the system will be able to add them to a Lead or Waitlist record (Carer Summary). Recently added tags will be in purple until you refresh your screen. You can also delete tags from a record if necessary. Some tags are system generated, for example if a family has a tour marked as completed, the system will automatically add the "Toured" tag, or if a Lead has expired then the Lead will be automatically tagged as "expired".
We also tag families with the name of the enquiry form they used to enquire with you.
Tags appear in both the Waitlist and Leads modules. Once added, you are then able to search on these tags on each of the filter pages.
Leads Module
Waitlist Module
Using Tags allows you to quickly filter on your Leads database and Waitlist. They are quick to use, and helpful for all users.
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