Note: The SMS feature should be turned ON in your centre's Settings to use this feature. To configure your SMS settings, please see the following help article: Settings: SMS
SMS charges apply at a rate of 20 cents per text message.
How to send Bulk SMS
1. On your Leads/Waitlist Dashboard, select the leads/waitlist profiles you wish to send a bulk SMS to. You can select one or more contacts or all contacts on a page.
Note: Select All will only select the profiles per page. If you wish to select more profiles, scroll down the waitlist/lead list and update the Items per page to 500. This will allow you to select 500 profiles at a time.
2. Choose the Bulk-Action 'Send SMS' from the drop-down menu above the leads/waitlist grid.
3. The Send SMS pop-up will appear with a textbox to type in your message.
Note: SMS charges apply at a rate of 20 cents per message. 1 message has a limit of 136 characters.
4. Click the Submit button. You will notice the button’s text will change to ‘Sending SMS’ and not allow any further changes. The pop-up window will disappear.
If you refresh your page after a few minutes, the delivered SMS will appear as a new entry in the SMS Interaction History grid on each profile.
To check the progress of your bulk SMS request, go to Settings > Bulk Action Log
Inbound SMS
If you wish to receive Inbound SMS replies this will require the registration of a unique mobile number. Charges will apply to occupy this number. You can email our friendly Support Team, via for setup information and pricing.
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