What is a lead cohort?
A lead cohort is a group of leads that share the same characteristic, and in this case, the same registration/acquired date.
Remember, a new lead can be obtained via the following online methods (depending on which you are using on your website and landing pages):
- Lead Form
- Quick Enquiry Form
- Long Waitlist Form
- Tour Booking Form
- Manual Entry into System via Administrator
What does the Cohort Analysis Report show?
The Cohort Analysis Report shows how many of your leads, acquired in a given week, month or year, have progressed through the various stages of the lead conversion pipeline.
The Lead Pipeline:
Cohort Analysis Report:
You must select a start and end date for your time frame. The report will take into account when the lead was acquired, and place it in the relevant week, month or year and show you their position in the lead pipeline as at the date of running the report.
It is presented in a numerical table format. You can group the data on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis. You can view the data as a whole number or as a percentage of all leads (i.e. a percentage of total leads acquired in its' given week, month or year)
You can use the filter function to change reporting parameters such as time period, centre and referral source.
What is the Cohort Analysis Report useful for?
The Cohort Analysis Report can indicate how well your centres are nurturing prospective leads towards enrolment, relative to a lead’s acquisition date.
It allows you to analyse the behaviours of a group leads that were acquired around the same time. Behaviours such as how longs leads have been waitlisted, the proportion that led to an inactive status and much more.
DID YOU KNOW? What happens if a lead converted to a new stage but later withdrew? For example, a lead was offered a place on July 1 but no longer wanted it and returned to a waitlist status on August 1. The conversion will be visible in the grid and counted towards the offer total up until August 1. After this date of withdrawal, it will then be counted towards the waitlisted total. You can alter the reporting time period with the filter function and configure your start and end date. |
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