What does the Lead Pipeline Report show?
The report shows the current state of your lead pipeline. It is the proportion of your waitlist in a pending, waitlisted, contacted, toured, offered or confirmed state, for the present day.
Lead Pipeline:
Lead Pipeline Report:
What are the various Lead Pipeline statuses?
Lead | A lead is a family who has expressed interest in your service but not yet ready to be placed on your waitlist. You can add a lead manually in the Leads section of your system OR you can use our online Lead Form on your website or landing page. The Lead Form is customisable and does not require families to complete waitlist and child information. |
Pending | A lead is in a 'Pending' state if an administrator has not yet accepted them on their waitlist. Most services accept waitlist requests automatically, but some may like to eyeball them before manually accepting. You may use our pending feature by configuring your Settings. |
Waitlisted | A lead is 'Waitlisted' if they are waiting for an enrolment offer at your centre. You can accept waitlist requests by using our Quick Enquiry Form or manually adding them as an administrator. You can find your waitlisted families in the Waitlist section of the system. |
Waitlist Contacted | A lead is 'Waitlist Contacted' if a personal contact has been made between the centre and the waitlisted family. There must have been a Phone Call or In Person Meeting recorded in the Interactions History (does not include a completed tour - see next status). |
Toured | A lead is 'Toured' if there is a Tour Appointment that has been completed and recorded against the Lead's waitlist request. |
Offered | A lead is in a 'Offered' status if an Offer Letter has been sent from an administrator within the MyWaitlist system. If the Offer has expired, the Lead will be moved back to its previous status before the Offer was made. Some centres may bypass this stage and choose to confirm a Lead straightaway - see next status. |
Confirmed | A lead is in a 'Confirmed' status if a Confirmation Letter has been sent from an administrator within the MyWaitlist system. The lead's next step is to start and commence enrolment at the service. The MyWaitlist system automatically moves Leads to a 'Started' status once their enrolment date in the original Offer has passed. |
What is it useful for?
The report is useful for assessing:
- how well a centre and/or enrolments team is personally interacting with their waitlist
- current level of enrolment activity
- current level of potential enrolments
- marketing campaign opportunities i.e. potential waitlisted families to offer a tour
Use the filter function to narrow your criteria. You can filter according to your Reporting Hierarcy (if you have one), care age and birth age.
You can also click on the bar chart to view the group of leads.
See your account manager about setting up a Reporting Hierarchy. For multi-service accounts and top-level users, you may like to view your waitlist information according to state, areas, regions, brand etc.
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