A Booking Policy can be added to the Long Waitlist Form only and can be used by centres for a number of reasons:
- To avoid families only enrolling on popular days i.e. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
- To inform families of the centre's rules upfront to avoid possible miscommunication down the track.
- Booking policies tend to be enforced by centres with high occupancy that have few places left. When a centre is first starting out, they are often more flexible to ensure they have as many children attending as possible to increase their occupancy levels.
1. Add your policy by navigating to Settings
2. Select Long Waitlist Form or Priority Questions
3. Select the second tab Booking Policy
4. To add a minimum number of days, administrators will select the middle option 'Use Minimum Days'. Then in the 'Minimum Days' drop down, input the number applicable. To embed into the MyWaitlist system, select 'Save'.
5. To add a combination of days that you will accept, click the 'Use Combination of Days' option > under 'Valid Day Combinations' click 'New'.
6. The below screen will appear, add any combination of days your service requires then click Create. Administrators can add as many combinations as needed.
7. When a family is logged into their parent portal, the booking policy on the Long Waitlist Form is included in 'Step 3 - Care Needs' and is visible when the parent hovers over the 'see booking policy' link.
If the parent has selected days that fall outside of the Booking Policy created by the centre, they will be unable to submit the request until they adjust their care needs to fall within the policy.
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